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7 Feb 2025
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Professionals to get bespoke income protection product

Professionals looking for income protection insurance will in the future benefit from products specifically designed to cater for them, according to the Financial Times Adviser (FT).

Insurance provider Pioneer is reportedly in the process of developing the product known as Professional Income Protection, which will be the first of its kind in the market specifically targeting the group.

The newspaper reports that the cover will be launched later in the year alongside another product dubbed Pure Protection, which will be designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of occupations.

In a bid to generate more quotes from the intermediary market, the provider has also teamed up with Assureweb in a partnership that Pioneer brand and marketing manager Nick Jones hopes will achieve the goal.

He is quoted by the FT Adviser as saying that Assureweb will enable the company to "give many advisers access to our innovative and affordable products for the first time".

"Our latest deal with Pioneer demonstrates our commitment to providing advisers with access to the most innovative products on the market," concurred Andrew Simon, chief executive of Assureweb.

Income protection insurance provides protection against loss of earnings.

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