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9 Feb 2025
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'Life-changing injury' underscores importance of income protection

An incident involving a mishap with heavy machinery has highlighted the need for people to consider taking out accident, illness and unemployment cover or income protection insurance.

Following the prosecution of a West Bromwich firm by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the organisation has warned employers and their staff to ensure correct safety procedures are followed when dealing with heavy machinery and drills.

The accident involving an employee at Aluminium Products last year led to the loss of an index finger, which was described by HSE inspector Lee Perry as "a life-changing injury in an incident that was preventable".

According to the HSE, a risk assessment revealed that "drill guarding and the provision of jigs were necessary safety controls, but neither safety measure had been used".

If the worker had accident cover in place, he would have been protected against any loss of income if the incident led to his incapacitation or made it impossible for him to continue working.

Recent statistics from the organisation have also shown that 180 people were killed in workplaces across the UK in 2008/09, which makes a case for taking out life insurance, especially if there are any dependants.


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