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9 Feb 2025
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Income protection 'offers peace of mind'

People considering obtaining income protection insurance should think about the potential impact of unemployment on their finances.

Explaining the advantages of income protection insurance, personal finance site money.co.uk said that this type of cover is designed to "give peace of mind" by protecting earnings.

The website said that "knowing that your income is protected will help to give you peace of mind that you'll always have enough to live on should you be unable to work," in case of an accident, illness or redundancy.

According to the site, despite the fact that the cover is not essential, "it could prove invaluable" in the event of incapacitation through illness or redundancy, which makes it an important protective measure.

"If nothing else it will provide you and your family with reassurance that if the worst happened you would still have some money coming in to cover your day to day living costs," said the website.

Shelter Offshore recently urged spouses to consider putting in place some form of protection because the services they offer at home could be costly to replace if they passed away.

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Income protection 'offers peace of mind' - Income Protection Insurance Quotes