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Life Insurance info is a quick reference to all the main life insurance terms used on the Go Directs Life Insurance section.
A person or persons who are insured under the terms of a protection policy.
Convertible Term AssuranceCritical Illness Cover
The typical critical illness cover provided by a critical illness policy
Decreasing Term Assurance
A term assurance plan designed to reduce its cover each year decreasing to nil
at the end of term. Decreasing term cover is most commonly used to cover a reducing
debt or repayment mortgage.
Deferred Period
A period of delay prior to payment of benefits under a protection policy. Periods
are normally 4, 13, 26, 52 weeks, the longer the period the cheaper the premium.
Family Income Benefit (FIB)
A term assurance policy which pays regular benefits on death to the end of the
plan term.
Income Protection Plan
A protection plan which pays a monthly benefit to replace a proportion of income
lost due to illness or disability. Also know as Permanent Health Insurance (PHI).
With indexation the life insurance benefit and the premiums increase in order for the policy benefit to be less effected by
inflation. Premiums and policy cover are normally increased in line with RPI (Retail Prices Index)
or NAEI (National Average Earnings Index).
Insurable Interest
A legally recognised interest enabling a person to insure another. The insured
must be financially worse off on the death of the life assured.
Joint Life Second Death
A policy which will only pay out when the last survivor of a joint life policy dies.
Key Person Insurance (Key Man)
Insurance against the death or disability of a person who is vital to the profitability
of a business.
Level Term Assurance
A life assurance policy which pays out a fixed sum on the death of the life assured
within the plan term. No surrender value is accumulated.
Life Assured
The person who's life is insured against death under the terms of a policy.
Paid Up Plan
A policy where contributions have ceased and any benefits accumulated are preserved.
Permanent Health Insurance (PHI)
Cover that provides a regular income until retirement should the insured be unable
to work due to illness or disability.
Renewable Term Assurance
An ordinary term assurance policy with the option to renew the plan at expiry
without the need for further medical evidence.
Sum Assured
The benefit payable under a life assurance policy.
Surrender Value
The value of a life policy if it is cashed in before a claim due to death or maturity.
Term Assurance
A life assurance policy that pays out a lump sum on the death of the life assured
within the term of the plan.
Terminal Illness Benefit
An option under term assurance policies, although most plans now include this
benefit as standard. A policy with this option will pay out the sum assured if
you suffer a terminal illness.
Total Permanent Disability Cover
Pays out the benefit of a policy if you are unable to work due to illness or
Putting your life assurance policies in trust ensures that any proceeds paid
out on death do not form part of your estate which may be liable to inheritance
Person(s) holding and administering property or monies in a trust fund for others.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate trusts.
Waiver of Premium Benefit
An option under a policy which continues to pay the premiums to the plan if you
are unable to work due to illness or disability.
Whole of Life Assurance
A life assurance policy which is for life and as such will definitely pay out
on the death of the life assured.