Life Insurance Companies

Below are the insurance companies you can obtain instant insuarance quotes with Go Direct.

Top Major Life Insurance Companies Quotes Available with Go Direct

The Life Insurance Company section allows you to compare each life insurance companies products individually, simply select the insurance company you wish to compare products for above. Use the link on the page to the life insurance companies website, you can then compare Go Directs discounted premiums against the life insurance companies standard premiums, or simply compare the insurance policy criteria.

These are a sample list of some of the life insurance companies available correct as of 23/06/2023. Our range of insurers is based on a fair analysis of the relevant market

Simple Best Life Insurance Companies Tables

We have also prepared some example best buy table to give you an indication of the rates available for a selection of ages and types of cover. The best life insurance deals give you a guide to the top life insurance companies best rates. There are also tables comparing joint life insurance quotes with taking two separate plans to see which might be the best option for you.

Thinking of Stopping Smoking?

We have detailed tables for selected ages so you can see the difference between smoker life insurance quote rates and the non smoker rates. Don't forget you can also get instant life insurance, critical illness and income protection quotes with Go Direct's discounted premiums using our simple online quote tools.