Do you Need a Mortgage?

When you are looking to purchase a property or remortgage your home it is important to researcher your mortgage options. That can be your own research online or with the help of a bank, building society or a mortgage broker.

Which ever way you want to go, Go Direct is here to help you every step of the way.

Mortgage and Remortgage Guides

We have all the guides you need to start understanding the basic details of your mortgage options.

From fixed rates to trackers, repayment mortgages to ISA's we have guides to help you through the mortgage maze.

Mortgage Best Buys and Calculators

Go Direct have one of the largest data bases of mortgage best buys available online

The instant quote tools we have can show you how much you are likely to pay each month for your new mortgage.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

What is the Mortgage Application Process

Once you ready to proceed and apply for a mortgage there are several steps in your journey to get your mortgage offer. 1) Mortgage agreement in principle, 2) Full application, 3) Mortgage underwrite, 4) Valuation instructed, 5) Full mortgage offer.

What is a Mortgage Agreement In Principle (AIP)?

Your first step is to have a mortgage agreed in principle from a lender. Many estate agents will require a mortgage agreement in principle when you make an offer on a home or even to arrange a viewing. If you do not have a mortgage agreed then if there is more than one potential buyer for the property and the other potential buyer has an agreement in principle, who do you think is most likely to get the home. Your offer is important but giving the estate agent confidence in your ability to proceed is key.

A mortgage agreement in principle means that a lender has completed its credit check and agreed to your mortgage request in principle based on their credit score. The important thing to remember is that this is based on the details you provide so its important to be accurate with your income and variable pay if you try to do this yourself. With Go Direct we can get your mortgage agreement in principle done accurately by checking your income matches a lenders criteria. This avoids the heartbreak of the lender revising the amount they will lend you on full application.

If you want a mortgage agreed simply complete are online aip request and we will take care of the rest. We will contact you to complete a review of your circumstances so can advise you of the best mortgage to meet your needs before we arrange an agreement in principle for you with a mortgage lender.

What does a Mortgage Underwriter do?

Once you submit your mortgage application most lenders will have an underwriter to check your application and proof of income. This can involve them checking your pay slips for employed people and tax circulations for self employed to see that the income matches your placation. They will also typically check your bank statements for regular commitments not disclosed. Many underwrites will also check the credit file to make sure there are no defaults, ccj's or otter adverse data that might not meet their criteria.

What does a Mortgage Underwriter do?

Once they are happy they will instruct the valuation to check the property is worth what you are paying and that it is deemed suitable security. Its worth noting that in recent years many lenders instruct the mortgage valuation automatically before it even gets to an underwriter. Should that be the case and you have payed a valuation fee if the underwriter declines your application typically you may lose this fee if the valuation has been done.

Once all the checks are done and an acceptable valuation is back the mortgage offer will be issued to you and a copy sent to your solicitor. Typically a mortgage offer will have an expiry date or 3 to 6 months and will have conditions detailed in it. One of the important things to realize is that you must inform the lender if there any changes to your personal circumstances prior to completion. This can be changes to your address, employment or income, or if you commitments change. If you fail to inform the lender and they discover this change prior to completion you risk your mortgage offer being canceled.

No Fee Mortgage Advice

If you would like to speak to a mortgage advisor without obligation about mortgage or remortgage schemes please contact us for no broker fee mortgage advice.

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Our AI Chat helper 'Monty' can help find you the mortgage and protection that is right for you - why not try him today?

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