Mortgage Budget Planner

Try our mortgage budget planer before you apply for your new mortgage or remortgage.

With all mortgage lenders using affordability as part of the lending criteria it is important that your mortgage is affordable both now and in the future.

Use the Go Direct budget planer to calculate what you can afford to pay each month. Then try our quick mortgage calculators to see if the mortgage you want matches you monthly mortgage budget.


Take Home Monthly Net Pay
Applicant 1.
Take Home Monthly Net Pay
Applicant 2.
Other Monthly Income £
Total Monthly Income £


Anticipated Mortgage Payment £
Life Insurance/Critical Illness Premiums £
Accident Sickness & Unemployment Premiums £
Home Repairs/Decoration £


Council Tax £

TV Rental/Licence/Satellite/Digital tv






Car Insurance/Tax/Service


Petrol/Public Transport Costs

Clothes £

Other Standing Orders & Direct debits £
Entertainment/Holidays/Christmas/Birthdays £

Regular Savings & Pensions

Other Expenses £



Disposable Income Each Month £

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

If after using the Go Direct mortgage budget planer you have any queries please contact us for assistance. There are many ways that a professional mortgage advisor can help you to get your mortgage or remortgage to fit your mortgage budget.