What is an Endowment Mortgages?

An Endowment mortgage is an interest only mortgage with an additional savings plan in the form of an endowment policy.

Monthly contributions are made to a Life Insurance Company who invest your money in the savings plan,known as an endowment. Life insurance is built in to the endowment plan so your mortgage is repaid if you die before the endowment policy reaches maturity.

Endowment policies typically take two forms; 'with-profits' and 'unit-linked'.

With Profits Endowment

A 'with profits endowment' has two bonuses; a reversionary bonus and a terminal bonus. The reversionary bonus is paid each year and is guaranteed if the policy is maintained until its maturity date. The terminal bonus is paid on maturity of the policy and is dependant on the performance of the underlying fund.

Unit Linked Endowment

The value of a unit-linked policy is determined by the value of the underlying investment at the maturity date. It is important to remember that the value of units on a unit-linked policy can go down as well as up.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

Pros and Cons of an Endowment mortgage


  • If the investment growth rate exceeds those estimated at outset you may be able to pay off your mortgage early or enjoy a lump sum at the end of the repayment period, in addition to paying off your mortgage
  • The life insurance cover can be cheaper than if purchased on its own
  • The mortgage can be transferred to another property


  • Endowment plan charges are relatively high
  • You have no guarantee that you will have sufficient funds to pay off the mortgage at the end of the repayment period, as the investment could perform below that assumed at the start. (By monitoring your investment's performance you could make additional contributions during the repayment period if you felt the fund was under performing.)
  • Endowment plans are less flexible than other types of investments, with most plans not allowing you to stop and start premiums. Some plans charge penalties if you stop paying premiums.

Do you want Endowment Mortgage Advice?

For Endowment mortgage or remortgage advise please feel free to contact us for expert mortgage advice from our representative whole of market panel of lenders.