This site does not automatically collect or store personal information regarding it's users. The site will log the IP Address and the Session information, such as the duration of the visit and type of software used to access the site. This data is used solely for the administration of the site for statistical purposes and enable us to evaluate the services offered.

We do not use cookies for the collection of personal information, however they may be used to store information regarding your visits to the site, and to recall information previously entered by yourself for the purposes of site interaction. This information will be stored on your computer only and will not be collected, stored or processed by us.

We may ask you for personal information in order to make available specific services you wish to take part in such as newsletters, or financial services. We will also use and retain such information regarding regulated services in order to comply with the requirements of the Financial Conduct Authority. This may include transmission of information outside the European Economic Area. Where this is the case, your information will be treated in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998.

Where personal data is supplied by you for the purposes of submitting an application or enquiry, such data is NOT passed onto third parties, other than those directly involved in the processing of your individual enquiry or application. We do reserve the right to use your email address in order, from time to time, to advise you of other products and services available on our own web site.

Third Party Advertising

The advertisements appearing on this Web site are delivered to you, on our behalf, by external providers, such as Double Click (one of our Web advertising partners). Information about your visit to this site, such as number of times you have viewed an ad (but not your name, address, or any other personal information) is used to serve advertisements to you on this site.

Third Party Cookies

In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertisers may place or recognise a unique cookie on your browser, but it will not collect any personally identifiable information about you.

Your Data - Common Concerns

Is it essential to give so much personal data online?

Yes. It must be appreciated that, to ensure you are only offered mortgage schemes that your personal circumstances and financial background allow you to qualify for, it is essential that the information regarding incomes, outgoings, and credit history, etc., are provided in as detailed a form and as accurately as follows. After all, computers can only be accurate in their sorting, if they are fed accurate data to work with. Whilst the data is detailed, at the point of sourcing, it is not linked to any person or address. It is simply data. Even if it was possible for someone to intercept it at this point, the information cannot be linked to any individual's identity.

If I apply online, what use do you make of our data?

The data is passed to the authorised firm to enable mortgage processing to be carried out. It will be shared, of course, with the chosen lender who will process your application for a mortgage and, where appropriate, it may be used for credit referencing purposes (a standard part of any normal mortgage underwriting process), and insurance companies where Indemnity insurance requirements exist. Your personal information may be used by us to notify you of new products and services within UKMOL, but it will never be supplied to third parties for marketing or other purposes

Can the Online Mortgages Application personal data be intercepted en-route?

The mortgage application itself, and all other enquiry forms, are located on a Secure Server using encrypted technology to protect your personal data from being viewed by others. Therefore, even if intercepted enroute, the data is encrypted and therefore unable to be viewed without the appropriate encryption codes.