Cheap Joint Life Insurance Quotes

If you have a partner and have a financial connection or have dependents then a joint life insurance could be an affordable way to provide a lump sum or regular income should one of your die prematurely.

With a joint term life insurance the sum assured is paid out on the death of either life assured and then the policy stops and the premiums are no longer pay able.

Two separate life insurance policies v Joint

Instead of a joint life insurance policy it can in some cases work out only slightly more expensive to have two separate life insurance for the same amount on each life assured. This way you will still have some cover in place if one of the life assured dies.

Below we have complied some best buy tables for a joint life policy and two separate policies so you can compare the cost of both options.

Joint Life Insurance Advice

If your looking for a joint life insurance policy our quick tables can you give you a guide as to the benefits of two single life policies over a joint life plan. Its impoetantant though to get advice before puchasing any plocies. With Go Direct we provide a phone based advised service to help you find the right cover all with our great online prices.

Call us today on 01603 271108 or complete our quick life insurance advice form and one of our advisors will call you to discuss your options. They will listen to your needs and provide you with the best joint life insurance quotes available for you.