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9 Feb 2025
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Income Protection News

Job availability highlights need for income protection insurance

In news that may be of interest to consumers considering obtaining income protection insurance, new data on the availability of permanent jobs across the country have been published.

The figures from the Recruitment and Employment Federation (REC) show that the rate of decline in permanent appointments increased in July at a rate faster than previously seen in recent months.

However, salaries for permanent staff fell at the slowest speed for nine months as an increase in the number of both permanent and temporary/contract staff was recorded.

Commenting on the data, the REC's director of external relations Tom Hadley said: "The employment landscape remains volatile at best but life is slowly returning to the temporary work market.

"The fact that the decline in permanent staff appointments accelerated again in July following four months of relative stabilisation confirms that that it is going to be a long and rocky road back for the overall UK jobs market."

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