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14 Jan 2025
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Income protection insurance handy for repairmen

People who deal with repair work of machinery should consider taking out income protection insurance or accident, illness and unemployment protection to mitigate against possible loss of income if an accident occurs.

The importance of doing so has been highlighted by the case of Steven Glass, whose fingers were severed when an Endoline tape packaging machine he was trying to repair started up, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Due to the fact that there were no proper measures to prevent accidental operation, the machine went on and trapped Mr Glass' three fingers, which were amputated, although one was later re-attached.

"This serious accident was entirely foreseeable and preventable," HSE investigating inspector Helen Diamond said of the incident, which led to the prosecution of the owners of the Prestwick meat processing plant.

"The company themselves had identified a large number of serious faults with their machinery well before this accident, yet little was done to rectify these faults."

Workers are advised to consider having insurance such as income protection cover, which would ensure they continue having a source of income if they were to be incapacitated by such an incident.

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